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Self Care tips for entrepreneurs

Self-Care Tips for Business Owners | Celebrating International Self-Care Day

entrepreneurship mindset motivation & inspiration self-care solopreneur Jul 23, 2024

Guess what? International Self-Care Day is just around the corner - Wednesday, July 24th. But let's be real for a second: shouldn't every day be a well-being day?

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Another day to celebrate something? Do we really need this?" Trust me, I get it. But here's the thing - in our crazy, always-on world, sometimes we need a reminder to slow down and check in with ourselves.

Why is focusing on self care so darn important? Well, let me ask you this: how can you show up as your best self for your business, your family, or your friends if you're running on empty? It's like trying to drive cross-country on fumes - ain't gonna happen, folks!

And let's bust a myth while we're at it: self-care isn't selfish. It's necessary. It's like putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others on a plane. You've gotta take care of yourself to be able to take care of everything else in your life.

Now, I'm not saying you should only focus on your well-being one day a year. That's like eating one salad and expecting to be fit for life! Self care is something we should work on every single day. But hey, International Self-Care Day is a great excuse to kickstart some good habits if you've been slacking (no judgment here - we've all been there!).


Now, let me share a few things I've been loving lately for my self care journey:

Shakti Mat: Ever heard of this spiky wonder? It's an acupressure mat covered in small plastic points that might look a bit intimidating at first. But don't let that scare you off! When you lie on it, these points stimulate your body, promoting relaxation and easing tension. I was skeptical at first, but now it's my go-to for unwinding after a long day. It helps improve circulation, reduces muscle tension, and even aids in better sleep. Plus, those 20 minutes on the mat? Pure bliss for letting go of stress.

Gratitude Journal: This old-school practice has been a welcome addition to my day. I'm not talking about dear-diary stuff here, but a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. Each day, I answer the same questions that helps me set myself up the day, and reflect at the end of it. It's like a brain dump that clears my mind and helps me process emotions. The magic is in the consistency (which let’s be honest I’m still working on this one consistency of this one).

Balance Meditation App: In a world of endless apps, this one's a gem. Balance offers personalized meditation sessions tailored to your needs and experience level. What I love most is how it adapts to you over time. Whether you're a meditation newbie or a zen master, it's got something for everyone. The app helps with stress reduction, improved focus, and better sleep. And here's the kicker – they're currently offering a full year for free. That's 365 days of guided self care at your fingertips - how's that for a self care win?!


These tools have been total game-changers for me. The Shakti mat helps me physically unwind, journaling helps me develop gratitude and mental clear, and the Balance app centers me emotionally. It's like a trifecta of self care goodness!

Remember,self care isn't one-size-fits-all. These work for me, but the key is finding what resonates with you. Maybe it's yoga, running, painting, or belting out tunes in the shower. The important thing is to make space for it in your life.

So, here's my challenge to you: use International Self Care Day as your launchpad. Start small. Maybe it's five minutes of meditation, a quick journaling session, or just taking a moment to breathe deeply. Whatever it is, just start.

Remember, your self care isn't a luxury - it's the foundation of everything else in your life. So let's make every day a little bit of a self care day, shall we?

Stay awesome and take care of yourself, folks!


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